Results for 'Michel Weber Pierfrancesco Basile'

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  1.  27
    Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality (Process Thought, Volume 14).Pierfrancesco Basile - 2007 - Heusenstamm Bei Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    PROCESS THOUGHT Edited by Nicholas Rescher • Johanna Seibt • Michel Weber Advisory Board Mark Bickhard • Jaime Nubiola • Roberto Poli Volume 14 ...
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  2. BAYER Thora Ilin and Donald Phillip Verene (eds): Giambattista Vico: Keys.Basile Pierfrancesco - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4):893-896.
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    Whitehead's Metaphysics of Power: Reconstructing Modern Philosophy.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    At the beginning of his magnum opus, Process and Reality (1929), Whitehead lists a series of beliefs which he thinks are widely held by contemporary philosophers. They are all condemned as dangerously mistaken. What are these myths? Why are they rejected? In the works of which modern thinker did they arise? What precisely went wrong? At what stage in the development of Western thought did this happen? By tackling these questions, Pierfrancesco Basile makes it possible to grasp the (...)
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  4. It Must be True – But How Can it Be? Some Remarks on Panpsychism and Mental Composition.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 67:93-112.
    Although panpsychism has had a very long history, one that goes back to the very origin of western philosophy, its force has only recently been appreciated by analytic philosophers of mind. And even if many still reject the theory as utterly absurd, others have argued that it is the only genuine form of physicalism. This paper examines the case for panpsychism and argues that there are at least goodprima faciereasons for taking it seriously. In a second step, the paper discusses (...)
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  5. Chromatikon Iii: Annuaire de la Philosophie En ProcãƒÂ¨s (Yearbook of Philosophy in Process).Pierfrancesco Basile - 2007 - Presses Univ de Louvain.
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    The Last Man Standing Argument for panpsychism: A rejoinder.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2011 - In Michael Blamauer, The Mental as Fundamental: New Perspectives on Panpsychism. Ontos Verlag. pp. 35-52.
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  7. ch. 10. Bradley's metaphysics.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2014 - In W. J. Mander, The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Process and Reality in Bradley’s Metaphysics of Experience.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2002 - Bradley Studies 8 (1):83-106.
    Bradley believes that the metaphysician’s dream of contemplating reality sub specie aeternitatis cannot be fulfilled. The theory of thought put forward in The Principles of Logic provides him with a basis for arguing that human understanding is inadequate to the task of grasping the ultimate truth about what there is. His position is far from being a sceptical one, however, and he argues that we can rise up to an imperfect knowledge of the nature of reality. ‘I am so bold (...)
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  9. Materialist vs. Panexperientialist Physicalism: Where Do We Stand?Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Process Studies 39 (2):264-284.
    This paper provides a brief critique of Jaegwon Kim’s evaluation of the achievements of materialist physicalism and then goes on to examine the case for panpsychism and the main objection that has been raised against it, i.e., the composition problem. The object of this examination is to lay bare the fundamental assumptions underlying both the main argument in support of the theory and the objection against it. Whitehead’s panexperientialism has a fair claim to be regarded as the most elaborate version (...)
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  10. Whitehead’s Ontology and Davidson’s Anomalous Monism.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2005 - Process Studies 34 (1):3-9.
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    Whitehead and the Pittsburgh School: Preempting the Problem of Intentionality by Lisa Landoe Hedrick.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (2):377-379.
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    William James on Ethics and Faith.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (5):1008-1011.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 19, Issue 5, Page 1008-1011, September 2011.
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    Monadologie und Relationen – Whitehead, Russell und die Ablehnung der Substanz-Metaphysik.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2008 - In Holger Gutschmidt, Antonella Lang-Balestra & Gianluigi Segalerba, Substantia - Sic Et Non: Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike Bis Zu Gegenwart in Einzelbeitrã¤Gen. Ontos Verlag. pp. 445-460.
  14.  19
    Leibniz, Whitehead, and the metaphysics of causation.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book introduces the reader to Whitehead’s complex and often misunderstood metaphysics by showing that it deals with questions about the nature of causation originally raised by the philosophy of Leibniz. Whitehead’s philosophy is an attempt at rehabilitating Leibniz’s theory of monads by recasting it in terms of novel ontological categories.
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    British Idealism and the Concept of the Self ed. by William J. Mander and Stamatoula Panagakou.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (3):564-565.
    According to the editors of this book, “The history of philosophy as taught today is a highly selective activity. In its determination to tell a particular story, it passes over in silence large swathes of otherwise interesting philosophical work”. This claim would have been worthy of serious consideration had it been made a few decades ago—that is to say, at a time when analytic philosophy was a clearly recognizable philosophical movement. The “particular story” according to which the works of the (...)
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  16. Kant, Spinoza, and the Metaphysics of the Ontological Proof.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (1):17-37.
    This paper provides an interpretation and evaluation of Spinoza's highly original version of the ontological proof in terms of the concept of substance instead of the concept of perfection in the first book of his Ethics. Taking the lead from Kant'€™s critique of ontological arguments in the Critique of Pure Reason, the paper explores the underlying ontological and epistemological presuppositions of Spinoza'€™s proof. The main topics of consideration are the nature of Spinoza's definitions, the way he conceives of the relation (...)
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  17. Russell on Spinoza’s Substance Monism.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2012 - Metaphysica 13 (1):27-41.
    Russell’s critique of substance monism is an ideal starting point from which to understand some main concepts in Spinoza’s difficult metaphysics. This paper provides an in-depth examination of Spinoza’s proof that only one substance exists. On this basis, it rejects Russell’s interpretation of Spinoza’s theory of reality as founded upon the logical doctrine that all propositions consist of a predicate and a subject. An alternative interpretation is offered: Spinoza’s substance is not a bearer of properties, as Russell implied, but an (...)
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  18.  19
    The Metaphysics of Consciousness.Pierfrancesco Basile, Julian Kiverstein & Pauline Phemister (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is consciousness? What is the place of consciousness in nature? These and related questions occupy a prominent place in contemporary studies in metaphysics and philosophy of mind, often involving complex interdisciplinary connections between philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, biology and cognitive neuroscience. At the same time, these questions play a fundamental role in the philosophies of great thinkers of the past such as, among others, Plotinus, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, William James and Edmund Husserl. This new collection of essays by leading (...)
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  19. The compounding of consciousness.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2007 - In Leemon McHenry & Pierfrancesco Basile, Consciousness, Reality and Value: Philosophical Essays in Honour of T. L. S. Sprigge. Frankfurt, Germany: Ontos Verlag.
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  20. Back to Whitehead? Galen Strawson and the Rediscovery of Panpsychism.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2009 - In David Skrbina, Mind That Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium. John Benjamins.
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    Mind-Body Problem and Panpsychism.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond, Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 383-394.
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  22. Should (Analytic) Philosophy Leave Its History Behind? On A Recent Reappraisal of the Russell / Bradley Debate.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Chromatikon 6:217-224.
  23.  47
    Creativity, Philosophy, and the Good.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (1):5-19.
    Whitehead and Dewey called for a deep reform of philosophy. Although they respected one another, Dewey can be read as criticizing Whitehead for his adherence to a traditional, and unfortunately conservative, way of conceiving of the discipline. This article provides an in-depth reconstruction as well as a qualified defense of Dewey’s charge.
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    Foreword.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2008 - Chromatikon 4:5-6.
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    Leibniz and the English-Speaking World.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (3):524-528.
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    The One and the Many.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2006 - Chromatikon 2:123-136.
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    Learning from Leibniz: Whitehead (and Russell) on Mind, Matter and Monads.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (6):1128-1149.
    Whitehead's system may be interpreted as a majestic attempt at recasting Leibniz's theory of monads in terms of sounder ontological categories. After a brief introductory section on the sources of Whitehead's knowledge of Leibniz's philosophy, the paper explains why Whitehead turned to Leibniz for metaphysical inspiration. Attention then shifts to Whitehead's understanding of the problems involved with Leibniz's theory of monads and his alternative explanation of monadic causation. Whitehead's endeavour to install windows in Leibniz's monads may not be entirely convincing, (...)
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  28. The Metaphysics of Consciousness: Volume 67.Pierfrancesco Basile, Julian Kiverstein & Pauline Phemister (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is consciousness? What is the place of consciousness in nature? These and related questions occupy a prominent place in contemporary studies in metaphysics and philosophy of mind, often involving complex interdisciplinary connections between philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, biology and cognitive neuroscience. At the same time, these questions play a fundamental role in the philosophies of great thinkers of the past such as, among others, Plotinus, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, William James and Edmund Husserl. This new collection of essays by leading (...)
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    Adventures in Unfashionable Philosophy.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Process Studies 39 (2):359-361.
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    James ward.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Why did Bradley matter to Whitehead?Pierfrancesco Basile - 2004 - Bradley Studies 10 (1-2):15-32.
    Notwithstanding these and many other differences, in Process and Reality Whitehead recognises his debt towards Bradley. He emphasises the importance of the doctrine of feeling and goes so far as to qualify his whole cosmological system as an approximation to Bradley.
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    Russell e il problema delle relazioni nella filosofia di Bradley.Pierfrancesco Basile - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia 90 (3):391-416.
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    Rethinking Leibniz: Whitehead, Ward and the Idealistic Legacy.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2006 - Process Studies 35 (2):207-229.
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    Is Mental Composition Impossible in Principle?Pierfrancesco Basile - 2008 - Chromatikon 4:21-25.
  35.  13
    Nuovi libri.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia 91 (2).
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    The Idealist Hydra.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):989-999.
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    The Reality of Forms.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2007 - Chromatikon 3:27-43.
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    Self and World.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2003 - Bradley Studies 9 (2):93-100.
    It may not be easy to see what Hume, Bradley and James have in common. It is usually recognised that they are empiricist, insofar as they believed that it is experience which furnishes us with all the materials for thinking. Nonetheless, there are many other philosophers which are empiricist in this sense, and Hume is commonly referred to as a ‘sceptic’, Bradley as an ‘idealist’, and only James as a ‘radical empiricist’. Hence I need to provide some justification for putting (...)
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  39.  22
    (1 other version)Whitehead, Hume and the Phenomenology of Causation.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2006 - In Michel Weber Pierfrancesco Basile, Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality. Ontos Verlag. pp. 137-158.
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    Il realismo assoluto di G.E. Moore e la critica di F.H. Bradley.Pierfrancesco Basile - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (2):253-268.
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  41.  52
    Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein (eds): The American Philosophers (Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. XXVIII).Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):726-730.
    (2010). Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein (eds): The American Philosophers (Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. XXVIII) British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 726-730.
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    The Reality of Forms: On a Leibnizian Argument for the Existence of God in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2007 - In Chromatikon Iii: Annuaire de la Philosophie En ProcãƒÂ¨s (Yearbook of Philosophy in Process). Presses Univ de Louvain. pp. 27-43.
  43. Varia Philippica, 2.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 2018 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 142:771-802.
    L’article présente diverses observations faites au forum de Philippes au fil des ans, difficiles à intégrer dans une publication définitive. I. Plusieurs creusements affectent les dalles, surtout dans la partie nord-ouest du dallage : six logements pour rabattre des anneaux ayant peut-être servi aux officiels de la colonie pour attacher leur monture, et cinq trous carrés (deux sont traversants) qui pourraient avoir servi à fixer des mâts. II. Publication de 12 jeux de marelle (un seul avait déjà été illustré) dont (...)
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  44.  53
    Fringes of Religious Experience. [REVIEW]Pierfrancesco Basile - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):149-153.
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    Le côté Nord du forum de Philippes.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 1986 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 110 (1):531-581.
    Ή σειρά τῶν μνημείων,πού θεωρεῖται σήμερα σάν ἡ βόρεια πλευρά τοῦ Forum τῶν Φιλίππων, δέν ἐμποδίζει τη θέα, σέ ἀντίθεση μέ τίς τρεῖς ἄλλες πλευρές. Διατυπώνεται ἡ υπόθεση ὅτι, στις πρῶτες κλιτῦες τῆς ἀκρόπολης, πέρα ἀπό τό decumanus maximus πού ἐκτείνεται κατά μήκος — ἤ μάλλον διασχίζει — τό Forum, ὑπῆρχε μία σειρά μνημείων κτισμένων πάνω στό ἄνδηρο ὅπου ἀργότερα ἐγκαταστάθηκε ἡ βασιλική Α. Σώζονται πολλά λείψανα αὐτοκρατορικῶν χρόνων : ἡ ὑποδομή ἑνός μνημείου πού ἔγινε δεξαμενή σέ δεύτερη χρήση, μᾶλλον (...)
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  46.  34
    Un monument honorifique au forum de Philippes.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):467-479.
    Une découverte récente permet d'interpréter un monument situé à proximité du temple Est du forum : il s'agit d'une longue base pour au moins cinq, et peut-être sept dames dont quatre avaient été prêtresses de Livie. Ce monument, mis en place à l'extrême fin du Ier s. ou au début du n* s. ap. J.-C, a curieusement été respecté lors des importants travaux exécutés au début du règne de Marc-Aurèle. Étude des dédicaces et de la base, et réflexions sur les (...)
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    Varia Philippica.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:753-767.
    L’article présente deux résultats qui trouveraient mal leur place dans la publication définitive en cours d’élaboration. I. Compléments d’ordre archéologique à la publication de la dédicace du dallage CIPh II 1, 66, et proposition pour la remettre à sa place initiale. Elle était située longitudinalement au milieu de la place de façon à pouvoir être lue depuis la terrasse haute. Comme la suivante, la première phase monumentale a été aménagée aux frais des notables de la colonie. II. Publication d’une table (...)
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  48. Varia Philippica, 4. Un séisme à Philippes au tournant du ve au vie s. apr. J.‑C.Michel Weber Sève - 2022 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 146 (146.2):377-422.
    The earthquake that struck Philippi at the turn from the 5th to 6th century is only known through the reconstruction work it caused. These works were first identified on the lower terrace of the forum, particularly on the porticoes, in the curia and in the room with five columns on the west side; they made possible the identification of the third architectural state. The earthquake also destroyed or severely damaged the temples on the upper forum terrace, setting the premices for (...)
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  49.  40
    Perception Reconsidered. [REVIEW]Pierfrancesco Basile - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):163-167.
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    Processualita’ e Definitivita’. [REVIEW]Pierfrancesco Basile - 2006 - Process Studies 35 (2):367-368.
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